Designing Against Terror, Violence and Crime

By Randall Atlas Ph.D., AIA
Atlas Safety & Security Design, Inc.
Miami, Florida

The attacks on the World trade Center and the Pentagon, the Oklahoma City bombing, the World Trade Center Bombing, the firebombing in the New York subway, the toxic gas attack in Japan's subway, the derailment of the Amtrak Train in the Arizona desert, are now forever etched as terrorism landmarks in our memory. Terrorism represents a real threat for our society and to our peace of mind. The face of terrorism is undergoing systemic changes as the level of sophistication of terrorists increase with the availability of knowledge and materials to carry out these acts of violence.

Knowledge about bombs and terror has proliferated to a point that virtually any terrorist or criminal can find out the information to build a pipe bomb to a nuclear bomb, or developing killer toxins to carry out their particular misgivings.Timothy McViegh, who blew up the Oklahoma City Courthouse, stated in an interview shortly after his arrest, that he picked the courthouse because 'it was more architecturally vulnerable". Who would have ever thought that a rental truck and a load of manure could be so deadly? What can the public and government agencies do to be effective in diminishing the threats and losses to persons, information, and property? How do you reduce the opportunity and fear of crime in the built environment and improve the quality of life: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). This paper will address how to reduce the threats and vulnerabilities in the built environment by changing how we design and use space.

The targets of terrorism in the future will be cities, utility companies, government buildings or agencies, technology companies, and high profile corporate entities. New Technology has made the infrastructure of America more vulnerable to sabotage, especially disruption of communications and information systems, which have the same net result as a bomb going off.

On September 11, 2001 it took but a few moments to breach the airport security systems, and America's confidence in flying the friendly skies was shattered. The 911 Tragedy was the combined failure of intelligence (information, and at least four attempts to deny access of the hijackers into the United States by U.S. Customs), the failure of security systems and protocol, and by failure of training of security personnel. The airport security systems, overseen by the Federal Aviation Authority and the security industry, has ignored years of known and obvious defects. For how could passengers pass through security screening, X-ray equipment, ID checks and then breach the cockpit doors? The terrorists did not need to beat the airport security system, but rather took advantage of the system as it existed. The terrorists probably watched screeners and tested the security to see what they could get away with. Flight protocol called for pilots to cooperate with hijackers if the lives of passengers or crew were at stake. That might have allowed terrorists to gain easy entry to the cockpit, and do something that none of the pilots expected: fly the jets, and then deliberately crash the jets. What ended is horrific acts of terror started with ordinary breaches of security and street level crimes.

Increased security from now on will be expensive, inconvenient, and time consuming. For example,the cockpit doors were designed to be broken relatively easy in the event of an accident. But, now pilots see the doors as the last line of defense, and must be strengthened to protect the flight crew. On a recent flight to Australia, I observed the flight attendants had blocked the isles with the food carts to prevent persons from moving between the class sections and gaining access to the cockpit. On another flight I was forced to take off my shoes to go through weapon screening barefoot! Americans will lose the inexpensive and fast flying service they were accustomed too. No system can prevent all breaches, but a comprehensive and consistent approach will empower the security systems ability to catch potential criminals and terrorists with much greater certainty. The federal government is now taking control over the thousands of airport screeners where they will be given background checks, drug tested, and consistent level of training.

Persons watching the horror live on TV were surprised and shocked that the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. The Towers, built in 1972-73 were 110 stories tall, and experienced progressive collapses similar to that caused by an explosion to the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma in 1995. The two plane crashes into the Towers destroyed columns and floors on several stories which transferred excessive loads to the remaining structural columns. Explosions and raging fire weakened the remaining columns, which were already overloaded. The original design had provided for the structural strength to withstand a Boeing 707, which was a smaller plane and a much lower fuel capacity. The design of the Towers was substantial enough to withstand the impact of the jets without toppling instantly. Even with huge gaping holes, the remaining columns were strong enough to hold up the structure long enough for 20,000 people to escape. The jet fuel released a much higher heat than paper or plastic burning, which might be the contents of a normal office fire. Fire suppression systems in the Towers did not include foam sprinklers that could deal with the jet fuel fires. Both of the crashed jets were fully fueled for transcontinental flights, making them "flying bombs".

Fireproofed steel loses half its strength when it reaches 1100 degrees F, and fails rapidly after 1600 degrees F. The temperatures inside the building were estimated to be over 2000 degrees. The steel columns, weakened by fire, finally buckled, and the floors they supported dropped on top of each other in a "pancaking" action. Each falling floor overburdened the columns and floor below, causing the buildings to tear themselves down. ( Architectural Record October , 2001. Pp. 24-26). Designers agree that few structures short of a missile silo, no matter what their height, can endure such aggressive attacks.

Environmental design might not have been able to prevent to tragic events of September 11, but the design of our public and private spaces does relate to safety and security through planning for: crowd behavior in high-density environments; wayfinding and design of escape routes; placement and type of building security features; design for high risk environments; and effective design of the built environment providing the building users with less stress, less confusion, and less opportunity to be a victim of a crime. (Environmental Design Technical Group News, September 2001)

Yet, with all of the catastrophic effects of terrorism in the past, and the huge potential for damage in the future, acts of terrorism are relatively infrequent. The overall damage of these horrific acts of terror to society is less than loss of life and property from ordinary street crime. The societal damage from guns and drugs far exceeds the damage from any bomb. But the perceived threat is much greater from terrorism than say getting robbed.

As the roles of the security designer and the architect gets redefined for the 21st century, the first step in designing against crime and terrorism is to assess the threats and vulnerabilities. The initial step is to evaluate the tangible and intangible assets that are to be protected. Usually the assets of our buildings are (PIP), PEOPLE (users and employees), INFORMATION, and PROPERTY. The threats are the potential for losses of the assets. The vulnerabilities are the weaknesses, shortcomings, or perception of risk of attack by the actuality of crime or terrorism. But, is there really a difference designing against terrorism or designing against crime and workplace violence?

What is the chance or likelihood that our private or public sector buildings would be a victim of an act of terrorism? The perceived level of threat is much greater than the actuality. The incidence of terrorism in the United States is still extremely low. The probability of becoming a victim of a robbery, burglary, auto theft, assault , or murder has affected how most of us live our lives on a day to day basis.

An example of increased awareness is the threat of workplace violence. Workplace violence is closely related to terrorism in its level of predictability. Yet, with all of the assaults at the post office, or office buildings, the frequency is increasing at an alarming rate. The threat is just waiting for an opportunity to surface with the next job termination or downsizing. Bombings are one of the most traditional ways to commit acts of terrorism. Knowing the tools of the terrorist helps identify where security needs to be strengthened. Acts of terrorism can also manifest themselves in arson, skyjacking, kidnapping, assassination, hostage taking, armed assaults, and bio-chemical attacks. ( Security Watch, Bureau of Business Practice Newsletter,Oct. 2001, p.4)

The Governor of Florida has increased security at the capital for his offices. What was once a receptionist, Is now a guard. The heightened security comes as state legislators prepare for an emergency session to slash $1.3 billion from Florida's budget. Governor Bush pledged to ask lawmakers for money to beef up security in areas such as bio-terrorism, training for emergency workers, physical security, and tightening rules that allow foreigners to obtain state driver's licenses.

The threat of terrorism is more marketable for social change than ordinary street crime. For decades efforts have been made to have a national security code, or security ordinances as part of state or national building codes. These efforts have fallen on deaf ears. Efforts to have criminals serve their actual sentence, or truth in sentencing, has collapsed under the weight of prison overcrowding and construction and budget moratoriums. Terrorism has been the vehicle for change, in an otherwise stuck universe of crime prevention. For example, President Clinton in June of 1995 mandated basic standard of security for all federal facilities. The mandate states that each federal building shall be upgraded to the minimum security standards recommended for its audited security level by the Department of Justice. President Bush in November 2001 signed a bill federalizing airport security screeners and ant-terrorism legislation that empowers law enforcement and the military to take preventative actions.

Prior to the U.S. Marshals Service conducting a vulnerability assessment, there was no government wide standards for security at federal buildings. The Marshals Service building security study developed 52 standards, primarily covering perimeter security, entry security, interior security, and security technology planning. Each federal building was rated within the five levels, with level I being minimum security and level V being a defense plant or nuclear facility. Most courthouses with multi-tenant , multi-story building are considered level IV and require shatter resistant glass, controlled parking, 24 hour CCTV monitoring and videotaping, x ray weapon and package screening, and a photo identification system.

The creation of basic minimum security standards is needed, and the federal government has now established a minimum standard of care for federal buildings. In the private sector, the American Society of testing materials Premise's Liability Committee was disbanded by lobbying pressures for developing minimum security guidelines for multi-tenant residential housing environments. Presently, there is an effort to resurrect the effort with the National Fire Protection Association. The NFPA regulates fire protection and life safety requirements and security is definitely considered part of a life safety issue. I am now part of the NFPA Premises Liability Committee charged with developing occupant based security standards.

The threat of premises liability litigation is what has driven the major organizations from Hotel and Motels Associations, shopping center associations, retail store association, and builder associations to try and block all efforts of developing minimum standards. A legal and physical benchmark puts essentially, all of corporate America on notice to make their buildings safe against crime, not just safe against the remote occurrence of fire. Insurance companies are strongly supporting standards that they could measure a business against, and reduce their losses and have less payout. The auto industry created the momentum for reduction of auto theft by redesigning locking systems, installation of alarm systems, improved driver training, and redesign of car stereos to resist theft (removable faceplates). Responsible car owners now realize discounts in their premiums because of the inclusion of security features and minimum standards.

Designing without security in mind can lead to lawsuits, injuries, and expensive retrofitting with protection equipment, and the need for additional security personnel. If not properly planned for and installed, that equipment can distort important building design functions, add to security personnel costs, and result in exposed unsightly alarm systems or blocked doors and windows.

Treating security as an afterthought increases the cost and obtrusiveness of security features when construction is completed. Whether the threat is from terrorism or street crime, or workplace violence, the increased threat of premises liability litigation will be the strongest driving elements for change. Where common sense fails, and building codes obscure, where management executives overlook, the slap of premises liability is driving building owners and managers to make the necessary safety and security improvements. Large judgements are striking fear into the hearts of building owners and managers as much as any act of terrorism!

The media covered the recent acts of terrorism for weeks with unrelenting enthusiasm. The personal dramas of terrorist attacks unfolded piece by piece. However, the secretary raped in a school, or the nurse attacked in a hospital parking lot barely makes the back page of the local section of the paper. The commonness and greater frequency of murder, rapes, assaults, and robbery is only newsworthy if someone famous is involved, or the crime is particularly heinous. The numbness to the high frequency of street crime does not motivate our politicians, insurance companies, building and zoning officials, or design professionals to make change or improve the quality of life. The actuality is that terrorism is much more marketable for the media to motivate politicians to create change in the security field, develop standards, and make changes in our physical environment to resist criminal behavior.

Can Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) make a difference in preventing acts of terrorism? Absolutely! CPTED emphasizes problem seeking before rushing into problem solving. CPTED starts with the threat and vulnerability analysis to determine the weakness and potential for attack. Attack from criminal behavior, or attack from terrorist activity only reflect a change in the level and types of threats. The process and challenges are the same. CPTED and Defensible Space planning are a planning process, as compared to fortressing or target hardening. When designing against crime, workplace violence, or terrorism the security consultant must resist the rush for quick answers.

What the CPTED process does is ask the questions about :

1) access control;
2) natural surveillance;
3) territorial reinforcement;
4) maintenance ;
5) management strategies

Design professionals can use three basic strategies for security design, also known as CPTED. They are Natural Access Control, Natural Surveillance, and Territorial Reinforcement. Each of the strategies can be implemented through three methods: mechanical, natural, and organized.


Surveillance strategies are a design concept directed at keeping intruders under observation. Organized surveillance strategies include police and guard patrols. Lighting and CCTV are mechanical strategies for surveillance, and natural strategies include windows, low landscaping, and raised entrances. Surveillance strategies are those directed at primarily keeping intruders under observation. Surveillance strategies are a design concept directed at keeping intruders under observation. Organized surveillance strategies include police and guard patrols. Lighting and CCTV are mechanical strategies for surveillance, and natural strategies include windows, low landscaping, and raised entrances.

Surveillance is the first principle of CPTED. Surveillance is the ability to look into an area, and the ability to look back out. It can be formal or informal. Things that inhibit surveillance are overgrown trees and shrubs, block walls and poor lighting. Surveillance strategies are aimed primarily at keeping intruders under observation and undesirable behavior under control. To improve surveillance, trim trees and shrubs, use fencing appropriately and utilize proper lighting techniques.

Placing eyes on the street was an idea that Jane Jacob's discovered during her work in New York's Greenwich Village. Placing legitimate eyes on the street, or capable guardians, can help to make a place unattractive to offenders, thus, preventing it from becoming a preference for them to commit crime. This can be accomplished by the proper placement of windows, adequate lighting, and removing obstructions to enhance sightlines.

Any architectural design that enhances the chance that a potential offender will be, or might be, seen is a form of natural surveillance. Often, it is not just the fact that the offender might be seen that matters. It is that the offender "thinks" they will be seen that can help deter the opportunity for crime.

Natural surveillance is naturally occurring. As people are moving around an area, they will be able to observe what is going on around them, provided the area is open and well lit. Natural surveillance is typically free of cost, but observers may choose not to get involved in any situation that may pose a potential threat to themselves or others. Other ways to achieve natural surveillance include landscaping, street design, and placing high risk targets in plain view of nearby residents, such as expensive cameras or display items near a sales clerk.

When surveillance cannot be achieved through natural means, sometimes mechanical means, such as using close circuit television, can be used. Mechanical surveillance employs the use of cameras, mirrors, and other equipment that allows an individual to monitor a remote or common area. Mechanical surveillance usually involves the purchase of moderately priced mirrors to the more expensive CCTV technology. Once the equipment is purchased , maintenance of these devices is a long term renewed cost as well as the organized cost of supervision. Who is watching the cameras and how are they responding when there is an incident. CCTV is best utilized for extraordinary behavior, not ordinary behavior. New technology is allowing critical incidents to be observed, recorded digitally, and activate and appropriate response.

Organized surveillance includes security patrols and other people or capable guardians who are organized to watch a targeted area. While this is the most effective deterrent to crime, it is also the least cost effective. While it may be necessary to employ security patrols or off-duty police, once the patrols are discontinued there is generally nothing left to show for your investment. But by far the most preferable method of surveillance is natural surveillance through good design.


Natural access control strategies are intended to deny access to crime targets and to create a perception of risks to offenders. Access control is a design concept directed at reducing the opportunity and accessibility for crime. Organized methods of access control include security guards forces. Mechanical strategies include target hardening such as locks and card key systems. Windows may have protective glazing that withstands blows without breaking. Doors and window hardware may have special material and mountings which make them hard to remove or tamper with. Walls , floors, or doors may be specially reinforced in high security areas with materials that are difficult to penetrate. Natural methods of access control make use of spatial definition and circulation patterns. An example of natural design is the use of security zoning. By dividing space into zones of differing security levels, such as unrestricted, controlled, and restricted, sensitive areas can be more effectively protected. The focus of access control strategies is to deny access to a crime target and create in offenders, a perception of risk and detection, delay and response.

Effective access control is often the key to many security threats. Access control might be strongly considered in these areas:
* all entrances and exits to the site and building
* internal access points in restricted or controlled areas
* environmental and building features used to gain access (trees, ledges, skylights, balconies, windows, tunnels)
* security screening devices (guard stations, surveillance, identification equipment)

Access control is the second principle of CPTED. Because many criminals look for an easy escape, limiting access into an area and back out again is an effective way to deter criminal activity. Access control can be demonstrated by having one way into and out of a location, with devices such as a security post or the use of mechanical gates. Others who use "alternative methods" to enter an area look suspicious, stand out and risk detection and identification and increased risk of apprehension. It is important to assess how the intended users are entering the property. It is equally important to assess how others are entering the property as well. Look at perimeter fencing for damage and cut-through's. Look for footprints in the dirt and gravel, and wear patterns in the grassy areas. Determining the weak points will be the first step in correcting the problem.

There are three (3) types of access control to consider: Natural (or Environmental), Mechanical, and Organized. Natural/Environmental Access Control involves the use of the design features and circulation patterns.To keep trespassers from climbing over walls for instance, you could plant a hearty cactus in the area where it will be highly visible. The use of dirt berms or large rocks can also keep unwanted visitors from entering with a vehicle onto private property.

Mechanical Access Control includes the use of security gates, which have proven very effective at reducing auto thefts, burglaries, and drive-by shootings. Most perpetrators of these crimes to not want to exit the way they entered, as it gives witnesses the opportunity to record license plates and get better suspect information.

Organized Access Control entails the use of patrol or courtesy personnel to control who enters the property. Distribution of parking permits affixed to registered vehicles, will identify which vehicles belong to the residents. Enforcement of visitor parking and towing abandoned vehicles from lots and streets improves the image and milieu of being an environment supporting criminal activity.

Defining who uses a territory, or a place, is a major aspect of reducing crime opportunities. Access control includes creating a sense of turf, but it focuses on entry and exit points into buildings, parks, parking lots, and neighborhoods. Closing some entrance ways, and opening others in strategic locations, is one way of doing this.

Good security fencing and gates can accomplish access control. Sometimes simply locking one door, opening another, and notifying residents of the change can accomplish access control. In libraries and shopping mall stores, patrons are channeled past an attendant who can observe all those who enter and exit. Sometimes these places are equipped with electronic point of sales screening devices, but often merely having the access point controlled can be enough. Oscar Newman felt that apartments should channel residents through one or two common entrance ways, so that they get to know each other and so that access is controlled. That way intruders can more easily be identified. The same concept applies to who residential neighborhoods where gates and street closing can similar access control goals.


Defining who uses a territory, or a place, is a major aspect of reducing opportunities for crime. The concept is to turn a particular area over to a legitimate users of that place so that they will be more likely to adopt ownership over that defined place. This will make it less likely that persons who do not belong in place at risk will use it to commit criminal or nuisance behavior at high risk location. These adaptive behaviors is the concept of territoriality, or what Oscar Newman called "Defensible Space" ; reassigning physical areas so local people can be responsible for, and control, their own public environment. This does not automatically oust criminals, but it can render them more ineffective.

Territoriality can be accomplished by using a hierarchy of space, such as subdividing public spaces into semi-public and semi-private spaces. For example, a Starbuck's Coffee Shop which places chairs and tables onto the sidewalk directly in front of their store tends to reassign this public as part of Starbuck's territory. This can help deter loiterers from hanging in front of the store.

Similarly, symbolic property markers in the front yard of residential homes or apartment buildings, such as short fences, hedges and plantings, pavement stones, and front yard lighting, can demarcate the front area as belonging to residents in the building. This can make residents feel safer when entering or exiting their building; it can contribute to fewer burglaries, and it can reduce the opportunity for other crimes there.

Good territoriality demonstrates a sense of "ownership", alerting potential offenders that they don't belong there and they will be seen and reported., because undesirable behavior will not be tolerated. It has two (2) principle components: Defensible Space and Maintenance.

Defensible space is divided into four (4) categories: Public, Semi-public, Semi-private, and Private. Public areas are typically the least defensible. A car driving on a public street would not automatically arouse suspicion. If the street were a cul-de-sac, however this is a semipublic area. If there are only five homes in the circle, the driver would be expected to stop at one of the five homes or leave. Semi-private areas might include sidewalks or common areas around residential areas. While most people may not confront a stranger in a common area, they are likely to call the police it the person does not appear to belong there. Private areas are different in rental communities than in single-family home neighborhoods. In a typical apartment the private area may not begin until you actually enter into the unit. This is especially true if several units share a common balcony or stairways. In a single-family home neighborhood, may owners consider their front yard to be private, or defensible space.

There are many ways to establish defensible space. By planting low growing hedges or bushes, you will show a defined property line. By posting signs and stating groundrules such as "No Trespassing" or "No Soliciting," you have established the area is defensible space and removed the excuse for non-compliance or criminal behavior.


One CPTED strategy that can be helpful from the small scale to the large scales is the concept of management and maintenance. At smaller scales this means that how property management maintains a property is instrumental in creating a sense of place, or territory, for legitimate users of that space. If a rental property is well maintained, it shows that management, or the owner, cares for and will defend the property against crime and incivilities. A property that is not maintained may indicate that the management is not concerned about the property, and might overlook or ignore criminal activity.

Property management can be the building owners or assigned to property managers. Some residential multi-family housing have live-in resident managers. By having a manager live on the property they get to know intimately the problems both inside and outside of their properties. Management policy and procedures create the impetus to hire security patrols, have electricity bills paid so the light will turn on, hire the trash removal company to pickup garbage from dumpsters, pay a gardener to mow the grass and trim the overgrown landscaping. Management is the first step in property crime prevention with the screening of tenants, the wording and enforcement of lease agreements stating a zero tolerance drug and crime policy, the hiring of staff, the repair of broken items.

Crime often congregates in areas where there are dilapidated and abandoned buildings, in places where liter and graffiti are rampant, and where the area looks as though no one cares. Further, If the property has several city code infractions, a property manager may lose the ability to deal effectively with criminal activity. A person facing eviction may threaten to report infractions to the city if the manager proceeds. For example, a manager attempting to evict a troublesome tenant, might find that person who is facing eviction may threaten to report the infractions to the city if the manager proceeds with the eviction process. In this case the manager may be forced to look the other way. If the property had been maintained in a clean fashion there would be nothing to hold against management. More importantly the property would be more likely to attract legitimate users in the first place.

Management and maintenance go hand in hand. A property can be an award winning design, but it no one is there to make sure that the property is maintained, and bills get paid, and residents/tenants get screened, illegally parked cars get towed, and bad tenants get evicted, and the lights get turned on, then the property will quickly fall into disrepair and start attracting criminal behavior.


Activity support is a small and medium scale CPTED principle. It involves the appropriate use of building functional spaces such as recreational facilities and common areas. The objective with activity support is to fill the area with legitimate users so that any abusers will leave. It may be difficult to believe that filling an areas with legitimate users will cause the deviant users or abusers to leave. But the opposite is also true, for if you fill an area with deviant users, the legitimate users will withdraw.

To promote activity support utilize the common areas effectively. By incorporating seating areas, picnic areas, porches and other amenities in open areas, the legitimate users will participate in the normal day to day functions and maintain ownership of the property.

Ask yourself, is that land feature or physical structure being used as it was intended? Does the intended design fit the designated use, and if not, what is that causing the problem? Who are the intended users? Why are the legitimate users not using an area? Why are the criminals frequenting an area? Why is it inviting? What will discourage them?

For example, in recreational areas and parks, the City might use proper lighting and establish community rules to encourage the proper and safe use of facilities. For laundry facilities, exercise rooms, and game rooms, maintaining clear visibility and supervision by capable guardians can make sure the activities there support the intended uses and users.

Activity support means that in urban parks you might schedule community barbecues and sports activities to reinforce legitimate uses of the park. This can be the case with gazebo's in the neighborhood parks, which can be placed where drugs are sold. Scheduling legitimate activities in the gazebo can prevent this unwanted drug or gang behavior from happening.

Activity generators are land uses or urban features that generate plenty of local activity. They are neither positive nor negative, but they can generate opportunities for crime if they are poorly planned or operated. For example, they include telephone booths or automated bank machines in strip malls. Depending on where they are placed, and when they are used, these activity generators can cause problems. Drug dealers might use the phones for drug sales; the ATM may be the site of robberies.

Activity generators are considered large scale since they do not operate in isolation of the surrounding land uses. It is insufficient to place housing to encourage activities in a commercial area, if the housing is isolated into small pockets, without local amenities , and lacks sufficient services. People will not place their eyes on the commercial street if they have no reason to look outside.

On the other hand, some kids of activities, such as hot dog or flower vendors, can provide legitimate uses and surveillance in certain areas, such as, parking lots of football stadiums, thereby placing more eyes into the parking lot to deter theft from cars.

Using CPTED strategies can:
a) increase the effort needed to commit a crime or act of terrorism;
b) increase the risks of being detection and punishment associated with a crime or act of terrorism;
c) reduce the rewards associated with committing the crime or act of terrorism;
d) and remove the excuses why people do not comply with the rules and engage in inappropriate behavior that lead to crime or acts of terror.

The CPTED process provides a holistic methodology to meet the challenges of crime and terrorism with organizational methods(people - security staff, capable guardians), mechanical methods (technology- hardware, barriers, hardening), and natural design methods (architecture, design and circulation movement flow).

For example, if one of the outcomes of a threat analysis for a government building is the challenge of a truck bomb, and the goal is to distance a potential bomb from the building, then the CPTED approach would propose careful consideration of:

* Where is the parking placed?
* How does service delivery get screened and controlled?
* How do pedestrians flow into the building?
* How many entrances are there for the public, staff, and service?
* Is there one main entrance for the public?
* How much distance is the exterior path of travel from the street , pedestrian plaza, to the building facade?
* Do all four facades have setbacks from the street?
* What is the most appropriate bollard system or vehicular barrier system?
* Does bollards or planters create blind spots or sleeping places for homeless persons and street criminals?
* Does the threat exist from bicycles and motorcycles bombers, thus requiring a smaller net?
* Does surveillance from the building to the street remain unobstructed?
* Does landscaping and plantings remain unobstructed?
* Do barriers hinder accessibility by persons with disabilities?
* Where do private or public security forces patrol?
* Are security patrol patterns unobstructed and verified with a guardtour system?
* Is the structure of the building designed with structural redundancy?
* Does the building become a less appealing target by layers of buffer zones that make it more difficult for an intruder to reach the intended target?
* Has the structural components been designed to allow the decompression effects of an explosion?
* Are the window systems designed to protect against the threat of broken glass by using window film Mylar coatings, blast curtains, or blast resistant glazing materials?
* Does lighting around the property provide a uniform level of light to resist shadows or hiding places?
* Is there CCTV in places of extra ordinary activity to detect inappropriate behavior and record and monitor that activity?
* Does the building have a consistent and comprehensive weapon screening program for the building users, staff, and packages and mail?
* Does the property use security layering to create a sense of boundary of the property(site), the building, and specific points within the building?
* Does management and maintenance practices and policies support security operations , the use of security staff, monitoring devices, weapon screening procedures for people and property, screening of employees backgrounds, and physical upkeep of the premises?

The CPTED process and security threat assessment process would look at the following high risk targets:

Engineering and back up power/ utility systems
Mechanical, Ventilation and water treatment systems
Communications systems including the computer facilities
Supply and storage areas, including loading and receiving docks , warehouses, volatile substances or materials storage.
Transportation facilities that include rail, bus, train, seaports, and airports.
Human targets which can include political figures or CEO's, or casual observers to impact collateral damage such as school children or shoppers.
Government or military facilities

The World Trade Center and Pentagon were picked as symbolic high profile properties. For with their destruction and the resulting impact on the stopping of air travel, shipping and mail created the... "Day the Earth stood still."

By recognizing and identifying the threats and vulnerabilities the building mangers and security directors and design professionals can take the necessary action to create a safe workplace or living environment. To insure that a fully balanced security design does not impede on the normal daily functions of the building, a knowledgeable security consultant should be involved in the design process using CPTED and security design strategies from the very beginning of the design process (architectural programming).

It is primarily the client's responsibility to define the potential threats to people , property, and information, and to determine the level and cost of the protection that will be provided. The client may need a security specialist to clearly define the scope of security requirements in the programming phase.

Once the security concerns are identified by the client and security professional, the security system is designed to implement those objectives. With the proliferation of security devices, along with rapid advances in system technology, security planning requires specialists with a working knowledge of these technologies. Yet, architects also must have a basic understanding of the principles of application and operation of security technology as well as an appreciation of the basic tenets of effective security programming. Any building must meet specific functional criteria, and from the function the design evolves. A building must permit efficient job performance, meet the needs of the user, and protect the user from safety hazards and criminal acts that affect the production and service delivery of the building's users.

Architects worry about the fortress mentality of security professionals while security professionals are concerned about the architect's failure to include security elements in the design of the building from the ground up. The conflict is not over whether to include security equipment in the building design. Rather, the conflict lies between a building's openness on one hand and control of access to it on the other hand.

Securing a building that was not originally planned to be secure is expensive. Architects have to sacrifice much more of a building's openness in retrofitting for security than they would if the facility had been designed for security from the outset. Protection personnel and operating expenses are greater than they need to be because of a lack of forethought during the design of the facility. This condition is particularly evident in many of today's buildings, where modern design and materials have resulted in facilities that are especially vulnerable.

The environmental design approach to security recognizes the space's designated or redesignated use - which defines a solution compatible with that use. Good security design enhances the effective use of the space at the same time prevents crime or reduces opportunity for terrorist acts. The emphasis in environmental security design falls on the design and use of space, a practice that deviates from the traditional target-hardening approach to crime prevention. Traditional target hardening focuses predominantly on denying access to a crime target through physical or artificial barrier techniques such as locks, alarms, fences, and gates. This traditional approach tends to overlook opportunities for natural access control and surveillance. Sometimes the natural and normal uses of the environment can accomplish the effects of mechanical hardening and surveillance.

Architects and designers, with the guidance of security consultant's or security directors, can make the greatest contribution to meeting a project's security objectives. Architects generally make the basic design decisions about circulation, access, building materials, fenestration, and many other features that can support or thwart overall security aims. The architect, along with the security consultant/director, can play a vital role in designing effective natural access control, surveillance, and territorial reinforcement strategies. Security design poses three challenges for architects:

* Determining requirements. Security needs must be determined early in the project's programming and problem definition stage. The design team should analyze the designated purpose of how the space or building will be used. The designated purpose will be clear when designers examine the cultural , legal, and physical definitions of what the prescribed, desired, and acceptable behaviors are that space. The space can then be designed to support desired behaviors and the intended function of the space. The design team should inquire about existing policies and practices, so that this information will be integrated in the programming process.

* Knowing the technology. Rapid substantial advances in the technology of security systems make keeping up - to - date a challenge. Many projects today, even routine ones, may involve security system specialists as part of the team. As with other areas of specialization, architects must have a basic understanding a security principles. Design professionals must be in a position to evaluate and implement technical security specialists and security equipment manufacturers.

* Understanding architectural implications. Designs must integrate the complicated and sometimes conflicting goals of security, life-safety, and accessibility issues as well as other project variables and requirements. Space, function, and people must be planned to support the security objectives of detection, delay, and response to unauthorized access, workplace violence, acts of sabotage or terrorism, or criminal enterprise. These security concerns could then translate into DESIGN IMPLICATIONS such as:
1. a sign-in desk for the service trades
2. design access control system to allow staff to control entry and log in movement 3. placement of garbage dumpsters
4. location of service elevator
5. location of service doors
6. alarm systems for offices and control room tie-in and deactivation.
7. placements of ventilation intake grills and utilities

These examples are just a small sample of the kinds of issues and concerns that need to be addressed by the architect based on information that the security professional has developed. The security professional must ask the right questions to develop security criteria. The architectural program or problem seeking stage should incorporate the information developed from answering the six questions. Latter the information will be passed on to the problem solution stage of architecture: the schematic drawings, design development drawings, and construction documents.


To create a security/ crime prevention through environmental design master plan which can be incorporated into the architecture, a sequence of evaluations should be conducted before the security system design begins. These steps are outlined below:

Asset Definition
What are the vital assets--people, information, property? What are the most important assets? What are the secondary assets? What level of protection is needed for each area?

Threat Definition
What are the threats to each asset? Who are you protecting? Could threats be vandalism, espionage, burglary, theft, assault, sabotage, robbery? How would threats be accomplished? When? Why? By whom? Where? What kind of attack or approach might be used to fit to the target? Are the threats highly probable, possible, or unlikely?

Vulnerability Analysis
Are the threats real or perceived? Compare the costs for the protection of each asset group with the cost of potential loss. Compare different kinds of security measures possible for protection of the assets.

Security Measures
There are three types of security measures available as a choice:

1.Organizational features--policies and procedures of staff, information flow, movement of people. The types, numbers, and deployment of security personnel is the second choice.

2.Mechanical measures--electronic security needs, access control, surveillance devices, technological solutions.

3.Natural features--physical barriers, circulation patterns of people, information, and products. Natural features include basic design decisions on circulation, access building materials, fenestration, and other design features to support the overall security goals.


In order to provide the information in a format that the architect can work with effectively, the security professional should identify what are the corporate assets that are vital to protect. The three most common assets to businesses are 1. PEOPLE, 2. INFORMATION, 3. PROPERTY.

People--One asset for protection may be the human resources. The people needing protection may be employees, visitors, patrons, service providers, executive VIPs. The asset of humans is protection from assault, kidnapping, murder, robbery, terrorism. Failure to protect invited and uninvited guests on a property can be grounds for premises liability litigation.

Information--The asset of information needs protection. Almost all businesses have vital information that could potentially cripple or destroy an operation. Computer records, blueprints, financial information, proprietary secrets, personnel records, and accounting systems are the backbone of any business. Information protection is a critical element in a security plan. Knowing who has the information, where it is, when it is accessible, and how it could be compromised are critical issues to be designed for.

Property--The asset of property needs protection. Property can refer to cars on a parking lot, airplane in a hanger, or office supplies in a closet. The threat analysis will help identify which property assets are to be protected. The architect can then use the security requirements identified into the design of the building, and incorporated into the whole building process.

With any of the three assets, the critical questions of a need assessment is asking:

WHO ARE THE USERS? (visitors, staff,service crews,sales ?)
WHY ARE THE PARTICULAR USERS THERE? (official business,guests)
WHEN DO THE USERS GET THERE AND LEAVE? (time, shift,patterns)
WHERE CAN USERS GO TO IN THE BUILDING? (horizontal,vertical circulation)
HOW CAN THE USERS GET THERE? (access control methods,circulation)

The security professional will need to be clear on the implications of each of the answers to these questions. It is recommended that a task summary can be prepared to give to the architect. The scenario development of asking the six key questions applies the same to a vice- president of a company or a janitorial cleaning service. The security professional will then determine the SECURITY IMPLICATIONS, and the DESIGN IMPLICATIONS.

Taking the example of the janitor service, the SECURITY IMPLICATIONS might be:
1. control of after hour access
2. verification of cleaning employee status
3. security manpower to sign in and supervise entry and exit
4. key control


The crime prevention through environmental design approach (CPTED) recognizes the building environments' designated or redesignated use. The emphasis of security design falls on the design and use of space. This is a practice that is different from the traditional target hardening approach to crime prevention. Traditional target hardening, or fortressing, focuses predominately on denying access to a crime target through physical or artificial barrier techniques such as locks, alarms, fences, and gates. The traditional approach tends to overlook opportunities for natural access control and surveillance. Sometimes the natural and normal uses of the environment can accomplish the same effects of mechanical target hardening, fortressing, and mechanical surveillance.

Environmental security design or CPTED is based on three functions of human space:

Designation--What is the purpose or intention that the space is used for?
Definition--How is the space defined? What are the social, cultural, legal, psychological ways the space is defined?
Design--Is the space defined to support prescribed or intended behaviors?

CPTED security design process is applied on a macro to micro level. The three levels are site security design, building perimeter, and inner building space or point protection. Electronic intrusion detection, perimeter protection, and access control techniques must be elements in a total security system and design approach. Each technique has distinct technological and operational characteristics, and environmental reactions, along with differing requirements for installation and maintenance. In order to determine what security technology is the most cost effective and appropriate the following questions should be answered by the owner, architect, and competent security consultant:

1. What is the system to be used for? For example, is the system designed to prevent escape or intrusion; for high or low security profile security; provide for an interior or exterior system; what are the methods of responding to alarms?; how long a delay from criminal entry is desired? To justify the use of an electronic access control system the client will need to know what areas and equipment are to be protected, but also what the potential loss or damages will cost. Each security situation is unique: there are no package solutions.

2. What are the operational aspects of a security system that is required, and what is their priority? The type of alarm system needs to be defined, as well as, the allowable false alarm rate tolerance. Inquiry is made on what is the proposed transmission system from sensors to alarms, for example radio waves, hard wired, dedicated circuits multiplex systems? What is the back up system in power and hardware? How are the alarms assessed for effectiveness, ie. with CCTV, lights, horns, bells, or printed records? Does the system have tamper alarms, self tests,or lightning protection? Each security system requires calls for careful forethought on the implementation and operation.

3. What are the environmental impacts that effect the security system? Examples of such conditions are weather, water surfaces, wildlife, vegetation, corrosive condition of acid rain or salt. Information is needed on topographic conditions of the site, are there any man-made impacts such as structure, traffic patterns, industry controls?


Site Planning-
Service delivery-
Circulation patterns-
Lighting quality and quantity-
Perimeter defense

Main Lobby-
Visitor control issues-
Building fire system location-
Reception/guard kiosk design and equipment provisions-
Architectural security barrier design--turnstiles, glass enclosures, reception areas, etc.-
Retail tenant security adjacent to lobby areas-
Development of unobtrusive CCTV surveillance-
Controlling access into emergency stairwells adjacent to the main lobby-
After-hours access control into the main lobby-
Alarm monitoring of perimeter doors-
Main lobby lighting

Parking Garage-
Valet or self parking-
Public, private, or mixed use-
Segregated parking levels-
Executive parking security-
Need for and use of CCTV surveillance system, emergency signaling system, intercom system, and guard tour system-
Lighting issues, including type of lighting and number of footcandles to be provided

Loading Docks-
Amount of vehicular traffic flow expected-
Impact, if any, on street traffic or pedestrian walkways-
Storage of package and materials-
Distribution of deliveries throughout the building -
Development of necessary CCTV surveillance and intercom systems-
Provision of remote door release controls

Emergency Stairwells-
Restricting access or allowing use by the public for interfloor traffic-
Communication provisions in stairwells-
Emergency exit alarm devices on doors-
Alarm monitoring of the stairwells-
Access control into and out of the stairwells

Elevator bank access control and architectural design-
Communication provisions in elevator vestibules on individual floors-
Public washrooms-
Mail services-
Security in mechanical areas-
Door hardware for telephone, electrical, and storage closets-
Security for fuel and water storage areas-
Roof access-
Tunnel or skyway connections to other nearby buildings-
Plaza security--issues related to landscaping, lighting, and use of unobtrusive surveillance systems-
Elevator cab communication devices

Building Tenant Security-
A comprehensive access control program to encompass elevator car access control
requirements and individual floor access control measures-
Security measures for individual departments and operations that may have additional
security requirements-
Executive floor security-
Receptionist workstations-
Boardroom or executive conference room access control issues-
Vestibule construction of freight elevator lobbies-
Console room design-
Secured storage areas, vaults, and safes within tenant space-
Closet space for security-related equipment-
HVAC and power requirements for security operations

Major Systems-
Fire and life safety-
Public address-
CCTV surveillance-
Access control-
Alarm monitoring-
Radio communication-
Emergency signaling-
Guard tour-
Door control-
Uninterruptible power supply


Place unsafe activities in safe areas where there is natural surveillance and supervision-
Design the exterior of a structure so it is hard to climb-
Minimize the number of exterior openings at or below grade-
Protect all building openings against entry or attack-
Provide for extra conduit for growth and changes-
Design walls to resist penetration by intruders possibly using cars, hand tools, explosion,
Provide sufficient space in the lobby or entry areas for verification, identification, and
screening of users, i.e. sign-in desks, contraband detection equipment such as X-ray
machines, and personal identification equipment.-
Provide adequate space for maintaining security equipment.-
Protect all utilities and control panels from disruption by unauthorized persons.-
Design elevators, stairways, and automated locking mechanisms not to compromise security
during emergency evacuations.-
Design lighting for proper illumination in coordination with CCTV--reduce glare, increase
view of field.-
Design perimeter to be well defined and supported by natural barriers such as landscaping,
mechanical barriers such as walls, fences, buried sensors, motion sensors, proximity sensors,
and by organizational methods such as guard patrol.


As one can easily see, a lot of thought and money goes into making a building secure. However, an architect cannot change human nature, and a lot of criminal acts will be perpetrated in spite of the best-laid plans. Accept that our built environment can not be defended against every potential threat. No building security system could have prevented the act of terrorism of September 11, or the bombing of our embassies, or courthouses. But there are many action steps that can be taken to reduce the opportunities and fears of crime and increase our awareness of the threats. Our goal is to design safe buildings that protect our assets of people , information, and property.

Security systems come in many varieties, but crime is also not monolithic. Furthermore, it is ironic that the kind of crime that most people fear is not the kind which occurs most frequently. Stranger to stranger crimes--assault, murder, rape and robbery--are less common than white collar crime. Most criminals don't tote a gun. The terrorism of the 21st century will probably not be bombings, but industrial espionage, computer pilfering and destruction of records, biological and chemical terrorism. The greatest threat to us on a day to day basis is from workplace violence and street crime. Designing against the threats of crime and workplace violence is going to greatly reduce the likelihood of acts of terrorism. It is all about controlling access and basic CPTED principles. Even terrorists have to make our buildings and assets accessible.

Architecture is one of the least used pieces of the security puzzle to make out public and private buildings safe and secure. CPTED and Defensible Space planning create the environment for better security by allowing natural surveillance and unobstructed visibility, controlling access to persons who belong on the property, preventing unauthorized access of persons onto the property, integrating the security technology into functional design and architecture, allowing the legitimate building users to be your capable guardians for legitimate activity and deterrence of criminal activity.

Finally, environmental design can never eliminate crime completely because it does not attack root causes. Architectural security design may only be responsible for shifting the places where crime occurs. It remains easier to make a building secure than provide jobs for teenagers. Yet, environmental control does go a long way toward making people feel better about their work and living environment, and that empowers people to act n a safer manor.

Architects and security professionals should avoid worry over events that they have no control over. Save your worry for that which you can control: good design, integrated security systems, competent training and staff, and keeping a watchful eye on your workplaces, living environments and residences.


Architectural Record. October , 2001. Pp. 24-26

Atlas, Randall. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the building." Security Management, August 1998

Crowe, Tim. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 2nd edition( Boston: Butterworth - Heinman, 2000.

Environmental Design Technical Group News, EDRA. September 2001.

Newman, Oscar. Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through Urban Design. New York: MacMillan , 1973.

Security Watch, Bureau of Business Practice Newsletter, Oct. 2001, p.4

Werkerle, Gerda and Whitzman, Carolyn. Safe Cities: Guidelines for Planning, Design and Management. New York:Van Norstrand, 1995.


Randall Atlas is President of Counter Terror Design Inc., and vice-president of Atlas Safety & Security Design Inc., in Miami , Florida. He is a registered architect in Florida and nationally accredited with N.C.A.R.B., and a certified protection professional (CPP) from the American Society of Industrial Security, and member of the ASIS Security Architecture and Engineering Committee, and received his doctorate of criminology from Florida State University. Dr. Atlas is a nationally recognized trainer and author on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) for the National Crime Prevention Institute, the American Society of Industrial Security, and the American Institute of Architects. Dr. Atlas has been appointed to the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute of the Prevention of Terrorism peer review panel. Dr. Atlas is a technical assistance consultant for U.S. HUD and has conducted CPTED surveys for housing projects around the country. He is a regular contributor to the Protection of Assets Manual, Access Control Magazine, Security Technology Magazine, and Security Management Magazine. For more information go to or